Thursday, October 29, 2009

Is the curriculum and teaching the right way to do it?

In the article titled Rigor Redefined by Tony Wagner the author is leaning towards making schools have a better curriculum and preparing them for jobs in their future. After research in classrooms and talking to employees how are high up in their job, he says that in most classrooms we aren’t preparing the students well enough for jobs.
The central idea of this article is; are schools providing us with the right skills we need for our future job. I was surprised when the number one thing big businesses were looking for where employees who could question well. Clay Parker, president of the Chemical Management Division of BOC Edwards, said: “First and foremost, I look for someone who asks good questions, we can teach them the technical stuff, but we can't teach them how to ask good questions—how to think.” I can relate to this because in my English class, I am very inquisitive. What makes a good question though? Another thing that surprised me was the fact that they hardly even mentioned grade point average or what college you went to. I mean, I know they look at that but if I were a big business owner I would look at GPA and how you did in high school and college. The business owners also said they wanted someone who could engage in a good discussion.
Wagner also examined some classroom situations. He was surprised about how the students either weren’t engaged or how much they didn’t know. (These weren’t just average classroom situations, they were advance placement classes.) Wagner said, “The students weren’t engaged and it looked like they were falling asleep.” During the expectations of the classrooms he found a room that he thought was perfect. The algebra-two teacher put a question up on the board that required the knowledge of their past years of math. The teacher said “After each of your groups is done coming up with two ways of how to solve this problem I will select some of you at random. You will come up to the board and show how your group solved problem.” Wagner stated this was one of the best ways of teaching because it gets everyone has to do the problem since someone will be selected at randomly. Second it is something that the students have never seen in the past. Lastly, Wagner said they have to find ways to solve the problems that will get them thinking.
Are we teaching the students the right things for the future?

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